
A “necessary” conformity

Be like me they said

Think like me they said

Feel like me they said

Be me they    essentially      said

Fuck you I said, fuck you


Intelligence measured on a scale that works for some

Broken for others

Not all of us think the same way

A petulant system deeming others less

Diminishing creativity and breeding a festering conformity

What are we truly accomplishing?

A society where some are shunned

And others are deemed unable to have a superior thought process

Let me grow

Let me flourish

Let me break free from the metaphorical chains you have bestowed upon my naïve mind

In which I put myself down because I do not fit your standards of intelligence

Let my words on paper speak for what my words in person could never do

Because the next time you tell me I’m not good enough

You will remember the day you tried to tighten those chains.