
The LORD\\\'S Poem!

The LORD\'s Poem


O our Father, let your name be glorified,

above as is below, and all of that is of creation for ever and eternity.

For the Devil\'s know, and the Demons tremble,

For your name is a name that invokes emotions,

Emotions of hate, bitterness, Anger...

But for those who know, be sorrow of a Joyous repentance,

For our tribulations be of a twinkle,

Ye rewards in Heaven be great, For Our LORD be a Great God,

Vast in Majestic, In whose hand are the depths of creation,

from the peaks of the mountains, to the depths of the ocean,

Whence Skybound, to the vastness of the Universe.

O Father, Glory be your name,

For ye majestic be a sight for sore eyes, and love unconditional.

O Father, hallowed be thy name and your Kingdom be done,

Eternal shall thy name be!!