SHE danced with a Chinaman
SHE danced with a Pig
SHE danced with a LEPRECHAUN
SHE danced an Irish Jig
SHE danced with a Scotsman
SHE did a Highland Fling
SHE danced and underneath her kilt
SHE didn\'t wear a thing !
SHE danced with a Welshman
SHE danced with him cheek to cheek
SHE gave him a daffodil
SHE got from him a Swansea LEEK !
SHE danced all through the night
SHE danced all through the day
SHE danced naked in the Car Park ~ what a floppy sight
That\'s when the Men in White Coats came
And smilingly took ~ Our Lady Godiva away !
Thanks for reading ~ comments welcome ~ Love to dance ~ BRIAN
Based on an idea from the late great poet ~ Spike Milligan