
The erasure of my edge

My hardened outer shell

The tortoise without 

the hare

Too aware of my surroundings


They know that they can see something

But my costume blocks my scent

Spent is the fortune that they are convinced that I hold

A mighty bold conviction, I must say

I can barely pay my bills

All that I have with me is my will

Okay, maybe two..

But that is all here say

I pray to God, and that\'s all that I do

My big \"secret\"..

There it is!!!

All of the hocus-pocus is far worse than the lie

I ask to be able to see the truth behind  the vapor

I get more than I bargained for just about every fucking time

The days of exploring the arts of old have come to a screeching halt

All of the esoteric knowledge and wisdom  locked away in a  vault with  a 

secret pass code


These idiots think that I am some maniacal wizard with vengeance on  

my brain when it is only they who are  evil and rotten

I m not hiding, and I never have  been

Why hide from those weaker than you?

It is so funny how much they try to read into me

What you get is what you see

Now, go on and go stalk someone other than \"poor\"little me...


April 2011