
I’m a Survivor

Why do some people wanna make
your life a living hell, is it because
they’re not happy with their own lives
well as far as I\'m concerned they
can go to the Devil \'cuz...?
If you don\'t like me then that\'s
just too bad, I’m not gonna bend over
and kiss anybody\'s ass to make
them like me...
no so just go on and throw your bitch
fit, I don\'t care if you do or if you don\'t
get over it, I will not suffer your misery
I will not let your negative energy rub
off on me, no matter how hard you try
to make me angry I will not stoop to
your level of immaturity...
It\'s a mystery to me why some people
wanna make other people\'s lives a living
hell, I guess it\'s just because they’re not
happy with their own lives, well I will not
suffer their misery or be a part of anybody\'s
pity party, ‘cuz when something knocks me
down I get right back up and try again, like
a willow I will bend until I get what I want
in the end, maybe it\'s just the way I was
raised and a matter of pride but I\'M A
I will survive!