
Way of the universe

I’d like a second of your time to converse,

About topics of our purpose in the universe.

Deep thinkers try to contemplate the mattering of all matter,
The fundamental basic recipe of the universe’s mixing batter.

On earth, mankind has the most powerful mind,
But the end of the universe, we have yet to find.

There are more stars on a galaxy\'s waistband,
Than all of earths\' beachs have grains of tiny sand.

The shear numbers of it all, make you feel small,
And figuring out the universe is an order quite tall.

Truth of the matter is, no matter what you put in motion,
Your overall lasting effects won\'t equal a drop in an ocean.

For sure, at times the truth can seem too much & quite oblique,
Remember the overall meaning of life is to question; to seek.

Do not be saddened by not knowing, be overcome with joy,
Return to that happy state you had been in as a girl, or a boy.

Discover everything, with great new found great curiosity,
Before you knew of animosity, & sophisiticated philosophy.

Don’t let your head boil like a tea kettle.
Take in a deep breath & let the mind settle.

On this path you may discover quite soon,
“One may know all the universe, without leaving the room.”