

How can I believe in God, when there are children starving in third world countries.

How can I believe in God, when there ARE third world countries.

How can I believe in God, when the world breeds nothing but hate.

How can I believe in God, when again and again, countries are being bombed, when the world cannot be calmed.

How can I believe in God, when Donald Trump is the Presidential Republican nominee.

How can I believe in God, when racism, sexism, and classism exist and persist.

How can I believe in God, when I have prayed in my darkest moments and have yet to see light.

How can I believe in God, when there is murder and rape, when he allows a woman’s mouth to be taped, and another body to be mutilated and violated.

How can I believe in God, when there is no cure to cancer, when there are no answers.

How can I believe in God, when I have found myself within myself and not a book, with a good hook.

How can I believe in God, when I do not think there is only one, but many.

How can I believe in God, when my mother is aging.

How can I believe in God, when he has done nothing for me.

How can I believe in God, when I have to work until I die.

How can I believe in God, when he hates all gays, when love is love.

How can I believe in God, when he allows animals to be ate.

How can I believe in God, when I cannot confine myself to a sole creator.

How can I believe in God, when I believe in science and astronomy.

How can I believe in God, when I am not simple minded and blinded, nor confined or allowed myself to be convinced.