
What is in your mind cloud, now?


Mind clouds are the ongoing streams of thoughts, emotions, sensations, memories, imagination, dreams, and beliefs.

Like clouds in the sky they are dynamic, constantly change their look and feel. Continually they modify content substance, and density.

They merge, separate, and dance in our heads.


They generate our reality perception.


Do you let mind cloud enslave and control you? Or, do you manage their functions and structure components to harmonically, drive life, and enjoy the journey?


Who is THE YOU in all  this?  Body? Mind? Spirit?


Every moment is your choice of  how to perceive reality.  Do you generate your bubble of reality  from conditioned automatic subroutines,

or from a state of sharp observation of the situation?


What thoughts, emotions, sensations, memories, imagination and beliefs are  active in your mind clouds now?

How do they shape your behavior?


Life is the game of awareness

Joyfully, play life seriously.


What is in your mind cloud, now?