

Well and the Anthony I knew

was a scared and lost little boy

confused about life and sought

sanctuary by drinking himself out

of reality...well I thought I could

save him but he only ended up

using me so I had to just throw

my arms up and walk away, years

ago saying Anthony, I hope in time

you\'ll find something in life that\'ll

make you happy, look me up when

you grow up...maybe I should of

stuck around instead of disappearing

like a ghost in the night \'cuz now

I wonder what ever happened to you

and if you ever learned to love yourself

in this stage of your life, I wonder if

you ever stopped drinking and if you

ever opened up your heart to someone

that makes you feel complete...well

don\'t you know I hope so, cuz I\'ll never

forget that sad and lost little boy you

used to be, I pray you’re the man now

God meant for you to be...well I wonder

I wonder what ever happened to
