

Yearning for something, as yet undefined.
Breathless, restless, unsatisfied mind.
I\'ve never fell this hard, this fast
Living with choices I made in the past.

A different woman, no, girl back then.
Thought I knew where, and why, and when
Perfectly content with my life, so tame.
Then I met him, now nothings the same.

Burning with fever, and running on fear
How will I stand it when he\'s finally near?
Sleep is elusive, still I dream thru the night
Fight my demons over what\'s wrong, what\'s right

I\'ve never had anyone make my soul yearn
Make both my mind and my body burn
With a fire so hot it burns from within
It\'s so very tempting just to give in

This lusting, this needing, it won\'t go away
It just gets stronger each passing day
I starve for his touch, his tongue, his lips
Thrusting inside me, clutching my hips

If it was just his body that set me aflame
I could live with that, handle the shame
Get down on my knees, beg for for his touch
No, that wouldn\'t torture me, and least not so much

He\'s invaded my heart, my soul, my mind
I\'m out of control,  inhibitions behind
I need him inside me, but want his mind too,
Thomas, sweet Thomas, what can I do?