

It was my first ddeployment 

I was in an open field 

When I spotted 

One of the enemy 

I shot him 

Before he could shoot me 

Then from behind 

I was shot in the let


I was taken

To a field hospital 

Later I was sent

Back to the states

While laying in my hospital 

Bed I kept replaying

That moment in my head

I had shot someone 

I was a murder 

Sure he would have killed 

Someone else 

Sure he would have 

Destroyed more lives 

Still I couldn\'t get over 

What I had done 

I did what I had to

War is kill or be killed


I am not a killer

That is not me


After being released 

From the hospital 

I left the military 

I vowed to never

Touch a gun again 


Any other weapon 

As long as I lived