Doll in Wonderland

Collision Course

Maybe this is what I get

For reconsidering you, 

For luring you in with a smile

Maybe this is just the end

Because in our beginning

When we met, 

We collided

And maybe I was just so spun

From the impact of you

I couldn\'t see clearly


I thought I wanted you.

I thought you were safe.

I thought I didn\'t feel anything at all.


Now that you reconsidered, 

I find myself drawn to you

Like a moon orbiting your planet

Burning me like the sun when I approach

Hoping the next time I see you

Maybe it will be different


I hope you want me. 

I hope with you, I can feel safe. 

I hope you will feel anything at all.


Every time

I feel you drawing near

My heart races to your rhythm, 

Wanting to be next to you

But maybe we aren\'t mean to do anything more

Than hurtle through space 

Full speed ahead


With no survivors.