
Layla; Part I (Dreamed I was dreaming of you. Time lost in various positions.)


Oh Layla, my Layla 
What do you do to me?
How come I hear you shrieking 
with your eyes
\"Come to me, oh come to me\"
Yet your lips say no such words.
Only silence.


I sit listening to the record spin. It\'s
stuck at the end and all I hear is
Wump wump, wump wump, in 
endless cycle. It\'s stuck.
Yet I listen. It\'s mesmerizing.
Wump wump, wump wump, wump wump..... 
I stare at it. Lost. Waiting for a monstrous arm to reach out and grab me and pull me into endless spinning blackness.
Wump wump, wump wump, wump wump.


Oh Layla. I awake and my head is resting in your lap. We are on a train. 
And I hear that sound still.
Wump wump, wump wump, wump wump..... 
You caress my forehead. Your delicate fingers.


I sit up and see coastline as we speed on. Huts and beaches. And trees. And birds swarming carcasses of the fallen whale. Beached.


I slide to the floor and look up at you. You smile. You smile that soft angelic pout.

\"hai sognato . Ora ti svegli. Mi sei mancato\"

you say to me in a whispered tone I can barely make out over the sounds of the train in motion.

I see you. I burn for you. I desire you completely. Your stretched out along the couch. You\'re head propped up on a pillow made up of your back pack. Out spills gum, a copy of Tristessa, some chocolate pieces.
I pick your feet up and rest them on my lap as I sit down. I begin to kiss them, Softly. You smile. I suck on your toes. I caress each toe with my tongue. Your eyes roll back, you moan, you groan, you madly finger yourself. I lay on you and smother you with my lost soul and desperate kisses and longing finally let out of its cage. I need you. I want you so fucking bad it hurts. With each kiss my soul cries out in anguish and joy and rapture. Oh, Christ I need you. Please. Please. Please. Oh, if only you knew how good it feels. How good you feel. Oh, my love. My Layla. My heart and soul and sweat and blood and tears and life are yours. Whatever happens. Whatever you wish to happen. I am yours and will accept your decision. Love me, kiss me, kill me, hate me, bury your nails into my heart, it doesn\'t matter.


You look into my eyes. They smile at me. Wonderful, they say. You trace you\'re nails up and down my chest. Oh god. It feels so good. We switch sides. You lay on top of me. And you tease me and I forget the world. 
My world lays on top of me. My world grinds up against me. All we need is this cabin. They\'ll have to throw us off the train first. It\'s ours.


The night absorbs the waning daylight. We still love each other as starlight illuminates the car. I hold you close. We melt into each other. Our souls mix on an atomic level. It\'s what I\'ve always wanted. I breath in your hair. It smells of life, of endless possibilities, of cherry blossoms.


We sleep, holding each other. Oh, my Layla. Even in the dream I feel you. 
I take your hand and kiss it and look deep into those eyes, pools of longing and youth,

\"I spill my heart and my guts for you.
Mine is a hunger I cannot obey.
You are the feast I have starved for, you\'re lips pour the wine of eternity.
Let me drink, let me feast or I shall forever suffer with drought and starvation. 
And my guts and heart shall shrivel up and rot. But if it be your will, then Madame, I shall with a smile obey.\"

You cry crystal tears that roll down porcelain cheeks. I try to catch them in my mouth. You kiss me. Hard. Long. Deep. As if any one kiss could be our last.

\"Dobbiamo andare. Dobbiamo. Questo non può essere la nostra casa\"

It\'s a nice layover in interzone, but it cannot be permanent. We must move on to whatever is next. We ready out bags. We travel light. Only what can be carried.


Before we exit the car, you kiss me again. Long, hard, deep. Like you are stopping something from getting out. You give me a wink. And whisper

\"comune. vecchio uomo. Ora dobbiamo andare , come sempre , sulla strada.\"