Sky Clad


Over Earth

Into Air

Cascading through water

Breathing ancient fire

Sky clad


Hiding out in fear of abuse

Lied to

A realization that now spills me over the barricades and into the great wide open  where freedom once rang

Where voices spoken in tongues can only be heard with the gift of claireaudience and only those voices have  joined me,  thus far

For I have called them into me

Unto me

Through me

As one with the elements of nature

A child of the trees

Sky clad, I have clambered  heavily along



Begging while down upon wounded knees

A sudden, prismatic burst of light within

Then something grabbed me by the short hairs ad dragged my sky clad  temple deep into the dark of the night

Then, he was there

Towering magnificently before me, above me

I was forced under a protective shield unlike any I had ever known before

Sky clad

Beneath his manhood

Under his spell, I drank his power

Embraced by ebony wings

We were inseparable

We were too into each other to notice the incubus and succubus that awoke from their slumber and we\'re stationed all around the place we  called home

My circle of power gnawed at incessantly

Not even for a  moment did the attempt of our ruin ever cease

It was continuous

The charms and the chants

The candles and the oils

A barricade to keep our bane at bay

A crazy battle of the wits held in ignorance and solitude cast down naturally by the light

Our entire atmosphere was clouded over by a sudden state of grey and that was right where it stayed

Eroded down to the marrow of our chemical-ridden bones

In the blink of an eye, we were shattered

Torn in two directions


It all became too heavy to support the burdens of being born upright

Sky clad , we danced across the cloak of the night

Unable to breathe, much less speak any longer the ancient words of the wise

Our demise to this day has never been granted

True love too easily enchanted by the demonic

Grasping always at the thin red strands of what remains of whatever

Wanting to run, to take cover

To hide out my naked mess

My cloak still rests upon the same grounds wherein my sacraments lie

The elements are with me again

Here, I will remain waiting sky clad for him forever.....

