
Wake Up


Always explore and discover at the rules of the game.

Always, check who says.. what

Look who is doing … what

Check belief systems – which are conscious or not...

Check who is having power and what’s its source.

Check integrity

Check coherence.

Don’t take things for granted.

Don’t be a follower.

The conditioning of the mind is convenient. Yet, realize the price you are paying for automatic programmed response of delusion stability.

Besides the Creator, nobody is perfect.

Look for blind spots of perception.

Look for hidden agendas and interests.

Don\'t be paranoid, yet, be aware that in any social institution, there are hidden agendas.


In anything you do, observe values, motivation and the operating system of perception.

Anything “they” do, observe values, motivation and the operating system of perception.

Clear mind clouds. Be humbled, transparent and aware to yourself, sharply.

You don’t see the whole picture.

Collaborate to expand your perception via multi-minds.

Expand your perception via empty mind and insights.


In your heart,  have compassion, tolerance and love.

Wake up!

We are all in this together.

This is the game of awareness.