Like pain from the thorns of a rose stem straight into my heart, he punctured.
And I allowed it.
Struck from the pain of always being someone burden, I thought it was the way.
Wasn\'t my identity his? Didn\'t we become one?
I guess we never did.
From drunken interactions and the acts of desperation just to say I was with someone,
I accepted the hurt, the pain, and the shame!
Even if we weren\'t evenly yoked, I took the blame.
I cried out LOVE ME! LOVE ME! LOVE ME! To what it seems too many.
And oh GOD, I knew it was the wrong time and the wrong ONE.
Now I\'m stuck in a frenzy. I\'m trying to find myself NOT behind him, but without A HIM.
The trials and tribulations are uncomfortable, because now I have to get to know ME!
I guess I\'m boring, sporty and somewhat neat.
But the pain from the time wasted just doesn\'t sit right with me.
The questions of why would I allow this MAN to use and abuse my LOVE? Or even where was his integrity?
Then A soft voice like the sound of running water says in my ear \" There is a blessing in every lesson, my dear. And it\'s time
to rise once again.\"