
Blue Moon Tavern

Well good evening and welcome...
what in the world are you doing
out on this dreadful stormy night
here sit by the fire while I bring
you somethin’ strong to drink...
I usually don\'t take in strangers
but I have a room upstairs if you\'d
like to stay here tonight...
he said thank you but I wouldn\'t
want to intrude, I said nonsense
I could use the company to tell
you the truth, pouring myself
a strong drink, he said you\'re
too kind, for all you know I could
be a mass murderer, a demon in
disguise, sitting down next to him
I said well I guess I\'d be shit out
of luck huh but I can sense these
things and you don\'t give off that
We sat there talking for hours and
hours, drinking ourselves higher than
kites, we laughed and laughed \'til
we cried then he got really quiet and
looked at me with these cold dark
piercing eyes, he said thank you for
your hospitality but I guess you were
wrong about me, I’ve been watching
you and I came here with the intentions
of killing you tonight and before I could
utter a word, I felt the cold hard steel
of his knife quickly thrusted deep into
my heart and the smile on his face was
the last thing I saw before everything
went dark!