
I Let You Go.

\"I let you go, 

We were inseparable, 

Best friends,

And lovers, 

You were my one and only, 


You use to mean everything to me, 

Now we are strangers who knew everything about each other, 

While you let me hurt, 

I found someone else,

Who loves me unconditionally,

And not for my body,

For me,  

I let you go, 

It hurt a lot, 

But here I am,

Without you, 

Perfectly happy again, 

I found myself, 

I\'m not broken anymore,  

I finally find beauty in myself, 

I know who I am, 

Not who you made me into, 

I am myself, 

I can laugh, 


Be happy, 

Once again, 

I let you go, 

For me, 

I recovered once again, 

I\'m myself once again, 

I am proud to be happy once again.\" 


-Ky Musselman.