
Martha Berry

Pretty and privileged young lady of Rome...
Rome Georgia that is didn\'t see the world
through her rich father\'s eyes, no she
saw poor mountain folk struggling to
survive and barely getting by when she
could have anything she wanted and
the best education money can buy
but that only made her feel selfish, sad
and bad...many times her father
would ask her what\'s the matter darlin\'
you can\'t hide from me the tears
you\'ve cried she said oh father you\'ve
given me some of the best tutors in
the world now I\'ve been thinking I\'d
like to share some of that knowledge
with our local and less fortunate
children of the hard pressed farmers
well he gave her his blessings and in
her big play house she began
teaching a hand few of boys and girls
she knew but soon more came and
she needed more room so her father
built her a bigger school house but
yet again they needed an even bigger
one and on and on MARTHA BERRY
dedicated the rest of her life educating
those less fortunate never asking for
a cent from anyone and now Berry
College remains the legacy, the legacy