

Daddy worked from dusk to dawn 

as a miner close to home, 

his hands were dirty and painfully sore 

when he walked tiredly through the door. 


His hours were long and steady, 

promising a weekly  paycheck for our family, 

he\'d carry his lunch within a tin pail, 

something Mama would put together without fail. 


On Sundays we\'d all go to the community church, 

looking our best in starched shirts and cotton dresses 

with our shiny and bright faces we\'d go inside 

as Daddy carried the family Bible with pride. 


Whenever a neighbor needed an extra hand, 

Daddy would pitch in and never complain, 

he believed helping one another was a Godly deed, 

part of his dedicated and hard-working creed.


Daddy was not afraid of  the years of his grime, 

it showed on his hands of toil, 

whether splitting wood or repairing the house, 

he proved to be a loving father and spouse.