
The Father

How dare you

Touch my ddaughter

In that way

You pervert

How dare you touch 

Her in such a manner

You S.O.B


The words of that day

Ring clear in his head

That awful day he found

That man naked

With his 10 year old daughter 


He had once

Called him friend

Being an only child

Had even let his kids

Call him Uncle 

Now the real beast

Had emerged 


The rage grew within him

The desire to protect

His daughter was strong 

He grabbed a metal bat

He started swinging 

The creep

The monster 

Was dead

Fallen quickly


He was convicted of murder

He pleaded guilty 

Though the case

For protecting his daughter 

Was strong 

He was still sentenced 

To prison for life

With no perole


He has no regrets 

He would not have changed

His reaction to what he saw

That monster

That creep

Got what he deserved