
Down at The Station

Waiting Down at The Station to catch the 2:05

I thought I heard your voice calling out my name

but I guess it was just the chatter of the crowd or

the noise inside my brain, my tears begin to fall

just like the Minneapolis rain as I climb up onto

the train.

Well I take a seat next to a window half hoping

you\'ll step in out of the shadows before the train

pulls out of the station and beg me not to go but

I know leaving you was the right thing to do I

just wish I could convince my heart but that\'s

something I can\'t seem to do.

I whisper to goodbye as the train begins to pull

out of the station then again I hear my name, I tell

myself get a hold of yourself but something made

me look up and there you were to my surprise!

You reached out and kissed me taking the seat

next by my side, saying, \"I\'m sorry baby, please

don\'t leave me but if you want me to leave you

alone I will but since were already here why don\'t

we take that second honeymoon we\'ve been talking

about\" I just smiled and again the tears began to

fall as the train leaves the station I think maybe,

just maybe you really do love me after all!