
Averaged 24


6:30-8:00 Get organized, clean up home, dishes, laundry, breakfast, dress up, aesthetic & maintenance - shower makeup, hair.

8:00-9:00 commuting in traffic (jam)

9:00-12:00 work, work, work.

12:00-1:00 lunch break

1:00-6:00 work, work, work (or at least that the way the boss assumes when he sees you from behind the computer, clicking).

6:00-8:00 driving commuting home + supermarket, bank, post office..

8:00-9:00 dinners – preparation/eating

9:00-11:00 tv time, family time, gym

11:00-6:30 shshshssh….



Wake up!!!

Wake up at 5: am, work at home or not too far. Be an entrepreneur. Find a work that is your passion.

Have at least three creative hobbies.

Are you in relationship? find your love.

Eat healthy. Exercise. Add humor. Reduce stress daily.


Drive life, enjoy the journey.