
Life should be lived

😉god made this world to live not to give😉

💙life is precious don\'t ever say never💙

😓if you end life you\'ll regret it as life was the most perfect gift you should be happy for what you got as some people are tied up in a knot 😓

😊help one another show kindness and hug each other😊

☺you all out there are great people but you don\'t show it but please do no one is a mistake instead let\'s make some tuna bake☺

😃problem fix at the end of the day never say it may as they all do so pray😃

😈you are all loved and if you don\'t see that you need a kick up the bum😈

😂spread kindness round this world and kick the crap down the floor don\'t hide that pain even if it\'s a little bit just tell me I\'ll help it\'ll soon fade away😂

😀were friends like it or not god didnt put us here to shout at each other even if we are mad 😀

shove the pain away and give a little smile today🙈💙