Doll in Wonderland

My One and Only, My Lobster

I can always feel the storm

Rolling in,

You make my breath catch in my chest

So daunted by the tornado that is you

And at the same time, 

You feel like home to me

You are the strongest person I\'ve ever met

Yet weak and vulnerable

When we are alone

You wear your heart on your sleeve

When I\'m not there

To carry it for you

With your hands like lightning and thunder

That feel so good in mine


Can do so much damage in little time

All fight, no flight

For all of your shortcomings, 

You are perfect to me 

My one and only, 

My lobster

In all your violence, 

I have never felt so safe

I\'m the one place you rest your head

Good heart,

Gentle weary soul

And rest easy, knowing you are safe

My place is next to you

Even though we are far apart

I know that whenever you are

Is home to me 

My safe haven

My heart

People may come and go in our lives

But we will always have each other

So stop burning the world down

And leave the blood 

Of those who try to tear you down

Let me lick your wounds

And make you some tea

I will give you my soft voice

And tender heart

Rest awhile, rest easy 

Knowing that I will always be yours

And you are mine.