
Perfect Couples

I don’t think there can ever be a genuine Match-Maker that merges perfect couples


We learn to love not by finding a perfect partner but by viewing an imperfect person perfectly and revolving out their perfection


It’s better to fall in love with someone who knows that you are not perfect but treats you as if you are


What really counts and can really make you happy in a relationship is not how compatible you and your partner are but how you guys can deal with your incompatibility


To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way the person is not minding the color, race, tribe, religion or belief


A perfect couple to me; is two imperfect people that will never give up on each other no matter how the situation maybe, Good or Bad, Rich or Poor


Having the mindset that, being together in any life situation is better and definitely going to be alright rather than being apart surfing through life without each other


Staying together even when they have a thousand reasons to quit the relationship, trying as much as possible to make life easier for each other when life get harder


Even the Bible says “Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.”


A strong sincere relationship requires choosing to love each other endlessly even in those moments when everything seems to be hopeless


Love does not need to be perfect, it just needs to be in the heart of being real, sincere, trustworthy and true


I don’t believe I need a perfect partner, I just need someone who sees in me everything I can’t get to see by myself, who treats me well and love being with me sharing thoughts and ideas together


I don’t want a perfect partner because ain’t perfect either


My educational qualifications, being a handsome Aesthetic Model, having a broad knowledge about sexual therapies through learning African Holistic Health Practice, being the chef in my kitchen as a well trained Nutrition Chef, I believe still doesn’t make me a perfect life partner


So I will prefer a life partner who admits being a normal human being, who admits being wrong when making mistake and believes the best way to correct these mistake is by initiating objectives corrections and also by adding better values to the future


I don’t believe perfect couples exist but I strongly believe there’s always somebody out there for everybody with whom they can live their lives happily and attain perfection.