SoFull ofClarity

The Longevity in Seconds

Let’s, you and I,
have secs.
Let’s have secs
that lead to minutes
that lead to hours
that lead to days.
For entertainment purposes
let’s audition our secs
for roles
in ‘special’ theatrical plays,
during which, we’re allowed
to act out of character
and raise the volumes
of those huge climactic finales.
Let’s fill our secs
with creative ways
of romancing one another
on such sublime levels
that it becomes increasingly easier
to see through withdrawal’s haze
when time’s efforts,
undoubtedly, become successful
in conjuring ways
of keeping our secs apart.
Let’s mentally record
and periodically playback
the best secs [after which]
we [would become incredibly] spent together
on numerous occasions,
so that as we infinitely progress
until you’ve filled my entire essence
with- not only your secs-
but your finesse
and the presence
of the sentiment behind it.
Let’s share our secs
with our reflections
because I want them to see
just how insurmountably good
our having secs could be.
I propose,

with the absolute most certainty,

that we’d be good enough
with our secs to share
it with monogamy.
Should we hold steady,
these secs could last
long enough to surpass
the 23rd century;
and I just wanted you to know,
that I was ready…