
Who is in the driver sit?

Your subconscious says : flight, fight or freeze,  you are in survival mode.

Your consciousness  says – only under my supervision, drive safely on life\'s road.

Your mental system tells you: don’t be silly- imagination is childish, really.

Your emotional system gets crazy if things are hazy.


The only way to bring sanity, is connecting Spirit to BodyMind on the road of balanced reality.


If you don’t know what im talking about

Its time to explore this dimension in you – no doubt.


And a little story :

I needed to deliver my phone back by UPS.

I delayed and delayed going to the store.

The other day, I saw from my window a UPS car .

I was in spirit mode when I said to myself – maybe I should chase the car.

The next minute, I saw the car driving backwards to my parking yard.

I delivered my phone.

Call it synchronicity, miracles or spirit playing life with humor.

Remember the story of the plastic bag in the other poem?