


I have nothing to give to you

Nothing to offer

Because I have nothing


Most have something

They don’t know it

And they’re ungrateful

They’re oblivious

To the people like me

Who have nothing


I have nothing, it’s painful

I have nothing, it’s lonely

I’m always trying to give something

But it isn’t enough

Like a homeless person

Selling his house


I don’t have anything, and you don’t want me

I don’t have anything, and you don’t like me

I thought that even with having nothing, I could

At least feel like I had something, but I was wrong

I feel empty, as if there is literally nothing inside me

I know you don’t like me, because I have nothing to offer

Nothing to give you

Nothing to fill up your hollow spaces

So stop taunting me and leave me alone 

I don\'t want your presence near me

It is something I want, but cannot have


I’m going to fill all my own cracks with things

That aren’t supposed to be there

Things that hurt to use, things that look

Cheap and ugly

But they’re all that I have

So as I sit here

Drinking an ocean of nihility

I don’t want you to look at me