Honeslty.....these decisions.....make me so afraid to hurt someone else\'s might leave them suffocating and not breathing.......having the heart not beating while the lungs start bleeding.........then there wouldn\'t be healing......not from me or anyone........even if the blood is what someone starts\'s still gonna bleed,no matter what you say....immediate attention is what you need......but it wouldn\'t be there.....only by the time your dead.......your heart will start to die,but heal again.......but there will be alot of scar tissue....making so many trust issues that always come with you.......throughout your life and time you live on,that much is try to apply treatment to that scar.......but there still won\'t be any gratitude........from the pain of the past......that always follows your tracks......but there\'s always that fear of yours that involves you going back......somehow you do.....repeating it,and feeling like your own fool......wondering where the lesson in school involved you going upon the stool that helped you make decisions you knew were had a feeling of what was right or wrong.....but you weren\'t sure until time went along......then you either lived or died inside.......listening to your own songs....