
400 Plus

Recently, I have been diving back into my mind
Reflecting, on the hardest time of my life
It was in the chill of February
Over Five years ago
When my body, was drastically transformed
Scared, and unsure
I hung my head low
Was I making the right decision?
I did not know
All I knew is, I wanted to be normal
Two signs above the fork in the road
One read \"ABORT\"
The other \"FORWARD\"
How could I start a new chapter?
With no tools to explore
How would it unfold?
I took the risk, knowing the struggle
Cancer and disease ran deeply in the family stream
Doubt filled my brain, even though I was humble
I felt this was my only option
So I followed
200 pounds later...I succeeded
Now the number one priority
Was taking care of myself
It was a must
For, I didn\'t want to go on with being 400 plus