Kurt Philip Behm

What\'s Now In Front

Is it Crosby, Stills, or Eagles for you,

Republican or Democrat to vote


Is it Chinese takeout or Italian bistro,

or the prose or poetry you wrote


Is it bland or spicy, thick or thin,

as you struggle yet to choose


Is it yes or nor, or God forbid maybe,

what’s to gain and what’s to lose


Is it briefs or boxers, or none at all,

is it winter over spring


Is it Rock and Roll, or Blues or Jazz,

does it have to be one thing


Is it dogs or cats, or beer or wine,

is the difference felt inside


When you choose just one, to eliminate,

what your vanity tries to hide


Throw out the rules, pull off the mask,

to your inner self be true


Force not yourself to choose between,

—but what’s now in front of you


(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)