D I C T I O N A R I E S ~ A Blank Verse Acrostic

D ICTIONARIES  are not just books of words

!  n alphabetical order which helps !

C an I find a word  how to spell it ~ or

T o tell me the  meaning ~ Queue or a Cue ?

I cannot play pool  with a Queue ~ can I ? 

O r stand in a Cue for the Winter Sales !

N obody can learn French ~ unless they have

A French Dictionary ~ C\'EST FAIT DU VIE !

R eading a Dictionary ~ is such fun

I get Twenty-six nights of pure pleasure !

E nglish and Foreign Dictionaries are .........

S torehouses of such infinite Treasures !


Thanks for reading ~ Comments welcome ~ Love to all BRIAN XOX


This is a \"Blank Verse Acrostic\" because all the lines have ten syllables ~ OK