
Fragile perception and miscommunication


We are born with different capacity to input data from our senses.

As the years go by, it gets worse.  


Reality is complex, huge and dynamic. Two people may be in the same situation – yet focus on different segment of reality.


We encode in memory subjective interpretation of what had happened. If our memory is messed up, we will have problems retrieving things.


Our subjective memory “paints perception process “in real-time

Our beliefs “paints perception process “in real-time. 

Our imagination “paints perception process “in real-time.

And sometimes, there are hidden agendas in selecting facts.


We believe we hold the truth in our pockets.


Are you surprise of  miscommunications, conflicts and wars?


We say :”I”, “mine”, “self” –Is the “I” of today  the same “I” of yesterday?

Do we hold a database of coherence in us, or do we cover up non consistency with – authenticity? Or saying nonchalantly: “I changed my mind”?


We live in subjective reality bubbles and perceive kaleidoscope realities.

How do we minimize, being\'s  limitation and find ways to expand perception and collaboration?



Stay tuned to my upcoming book and collaborative game

Kaleidoscope Realities.

