So So Bad Official

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"HO\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"( Edited SONG LYRICS RAP)



HO! you should of fuck in started act in rite before you start being a fuck in ho you know you is a ho and,

You dirty ho you should of just stayed away and,I wish I never meet you ho!

Go fuck yourself you filthy ho and,never ever come back ho I never ever wanna,

see your face ho knock in on ma fuck in door for money you filthy ho you aren\'t even worth a dame thing to mi anymore and,

You is a ho a filthy dumb ass ho you\'re so fuckin dirty my kids don\'t even wanna touch be around ho and,

you should of just stayed on the motha fuck in corner and, you never should of showed your fuck in face ho at my door you filthy ho and,

you filthy ho you know you can\'t even try to be me, ho your not intelligent so I know you couldn\'t even try to be me rapping so lyrical and,



“Ho”, is that even really you?,really you?

Ho, is that really you? Really you?,

Ho is that really you?\'


“Ho”, is that really you?,really you?

Ho, is that really you? really you?,

Ho is that really you?\'



Ho why? Didn\'t you just stay away and,

I wouldn\'t be here rapping about you ho but you truly fuck in mess up ho and,

I know now you truly are a fake ass ho that only wanted me for my money,gold chains and,

everything else you couldn\'t have ho just leave me the fuck alone and,

I won\'t keep diss in on you ho for what you said you truly were come to find out that you were nothing but a fake ass ho that had no attentions being my friend and,

ho I wished I never meet you that day on the fuckin corner and, I wouldn\'t be in this fucking mess I\'m sorry but I can\'t be friends with a ho it\'s just has to be this way and, I\'m sorry ho and,


Ho no one will even care when you\'re fucking dead ho and,You should just put a fuck in bullet in your fuck in cranium, because you know one even cares about you filthy skanky ho and,You know you is a stupid skanky ho that couldn\'t change your lifestyle even if you fuckin wanted to because your fuckin IQ is so low for being a fuckin ho and,

All you know is how to get down on your knees and,

think about what you could have been while suckin on those old wrinkled testicles you sick ass ho and,I hope you catch Human immunodeficiency virus from being on the streets selling your body because your such a fake ass ho that only wants one thing and,

it happens to be money and ,you don\'t truly care how you get it even if your suck in off a man dick with AIDS for it