Ministry Boy

His smile will never fade from me

His essence will never wane

His seed will grow forever within the nutrients that are my soil

His soul is connected now for eternity

I need him to return

To face me and our simple, yet so sophisticated blueprint with all of its plans

I need my boy to come back and drag me to his ministry

I want to hear his voice speak to me like a beacon from God

I am a queen in that land he called The Kingdom and he is my royal steed

My bounty

My husband

My king

Its not even possible that the now is so empty when my cup was just brimming, over-flowing with his essence

His beauty

His love

Like immortality

He must return to take me prisoner

Tie me up

Shackle me to his throne

I will be his sexual salvation

His slave in the gallows

or anywhere else in his palace

The vastness that he brought me back into in the blink of a beautiful eye

of Ra

of oneness


Then, stupidity..

When a woman came forth to thwart us, just as he said that she would do

Then forgotten


His voice did not sound the same

Yet, it was familiar

Too fucking familiar

Ugh, whatever....

If he cannot be man enough to do his job then, next....

I am not going to sit here in exile, burning for no reason

This is not the season of the witch

Send me the next hitch in my get-a-long now

Please, Father God Almighty

Amen- Ra....

