Reivax Camlost

Mercy is a friend of mine

Mercy is a friend of mine

Who wears the colors of the snow

By a candle in the night


Mercy is a sorrow mine

Who swears to never ever go

In the darkness of the night


Mercy is a sleeping sign

Who weeps for the ones who know

Of no joyous, loving light


Mercy is my one lifeline

Who\'s keeping all my sorrows now

In her heartfelt Autumn song


Mercy, where do you belong

Where will all your shadows go

Where is the love, down below


Mercy is it almost time

For my candle running low

To darkness now go

With you all alone

In the night


Mercy, will you never cry

I\'ve watched you there, all asleep

Weeping for the ones you leave

All alone, in the night


Mercy who will keep you bright

Will warm your heart, in the night

Who gives love, to the loveless one

Who gives Mercy mercy\'s light


Mercy is friend of mine

Who\'s sleeping far away

And mercy is a sleeping rhyme

For all the things we cannot say

all the things we can\'t wish away

All alone, in the night


Mercy will you now be mine

In the darkness of the night

In the colors of the glow

Of the candle-light