
Love Hurts But Don\'t Let It Kill You

I want to become a soul that resembles something like the moon
Spreading light to those deep in the dark depths of the night
Guiding their will and attempting to renew their passion to continue to fight
Because I know you might\'ve lost it on this journey of life
You\'ve given your heart to someone who lit a fire inside of you and got burned
But dont let that make you feel worthless because I promise you you\'re worth it
After all it was experience gained and a lesson learned
And I know next time it\'ll be harder to allow someone in with intentions unknown
But don\'t let that hold you back from a real possibility because you never know
Happiness can be standing in front of you and you wouldn\'t know
Instead ask yourself this
\"If I gave you my heart
Would you give it a home?
They say home is where the heart is
Well if you are where my heart is
Would you let me in and would you let me live?
Would you let me in and would you let me live?\"