How many more cracks can this facade take?
Before the weight of the lies of I\'m okay and fine submit to the quake
Finger on the king about to let it fall,
On the edge of the cliff no more reasons to stall.
Leeching and losing, hitting dead ends
The bell tolls before a literal one sends,
Me to the curtain fall on the tragedy I\'ve butchered called life.
Looking at things and my brain projects,
How I can meet my own demise, no suspects.
Faking it and not making it makes no sense,
Yet it\'s the cycle I\'m in, painful in depth
Motivation runs short as to why I should suffer another day,
The trite saying of everyone saying it\'ll be okay.
Out of shape, no energy, don\'t care how I look,
How do you motivate someone who\'s own life they\'ve almost took?
Its a strange place I\'m in, living but dead inside.
How much longer will everyone continue to buy?
Writing like this over and over,
Feeling shitty over and over,
Showing no one over and over,
Faking it over and over,
Wishing it was over, over and over.