



Forming a picture

of times long ago

Before the veil

The cloak between the worlds

When the dragons swarmed through crimson skies

Breathing fire into the night

Like pterodactyls when they explode

Nocturnal beacons shot down from the indigo

Taken out

Like skeet discs after the pull

The wool over humanity with its multiplicities of eyes is withering away to none

In a time when everyone carries a gun because they can

But, not for long

The apocalypse is on its way

Like a raging comet heading straight for the Earth

The re-birth of Neolithic  co-existence is on the nearest horizon

Creation is history, which is repetitive in nature

The stature of society, shattered

Crumbling into the passage of time

The sublime atmosphere getting thicker and thicker

Becoming much more defined

The blind can no longer lead the blind anywhere but astray

The grey area becoming kalaiedoscopic

Spinning colors through the air into the billowing density that is the clouds

The shrouds are all vanishing into vapor wisps and blowing away with the breeze

Unicorns storm the rugged high cliff tops

Gryphons roost high in the tops of the trees

The Faerie Folk come out of their ancient hiding places to play tricks on each other and themselves

They were sent in the beginning to torment human kind who have forever had their greedy hands out begging for more

Nobody can ignore them now that stories will no longer be told out in the open

Reality unfolds before naked eyes

Uncovered, all the brutality behind all of their deceitful lies

The lifting of the once necessary veil is already in full effect now in this very moment in time

Reuniting with our childhood




Never alone

Something hears our every thought

A reality, long forgotten, has returned

Memories burned away to ash as fast as they are made

Shadows of the past becoming now the shade that protects us from the radiation within the Sun

The Light that won the battle with the darkness....
