
Right But Not Loved



                        Nagging, controlling, contrary on every issue

                        From child rearing to the toilet tissue,

                        Every day you have to be right.

                        When at your pleadings I share my feelings

                        You trample thoughts, my words twist, contort.

                        The hurt bruised spirit sinks slowly away.

                        But, you are right again today.


                        Sex you demand, yet I do not understand

                        Why you shudder at the touch I\'ve practiced so much.

                        My fingers too firm, too quick, too rough, too light,

                        You have to be right, so lonely goes the night.

                        Sounds depressed? You bet!

                        Responsibility lies within me. I let it be

                        And I can change me.


                        Beneath this blue mantle lies a mountain of strength,

                        A reformation of character. A real man.

                        Tender, loving and true, though not for you.

                        You are right but not loved.




                                      Augustus / Folsom / October 2016