
Lost Souls

Well I see them here, I see them there
I see them everywhere but nobody knows
nobody knows I can see and communicate
with the dead but if they did I know they
would think I was a little touched in the head
but I\'m not crazy I just have one foot in this
world and one foot in the other...
It\'s like a curse and a blessing, I listen to
their stories and then I try to guide them
toward the light, one after another but
unfortunately some souls refuse to believe
their dead and will not hear otherwise
they just go on trying to do all the things
they used to do when they were alive, some
are good, some are bad but they all have the
same personalities they had when they died
Well and you say well I think It\'d be cool
to talk to the dead, I say yeah that\'s what you
think but most people think you\'re crazy, a little
touched in the head, having one foot in this
world and one foot in the other, it’s more a curse
than a blessing but still I try to guide them 
toward the light, one after another but I cannot
make them go if they don\'t want to go...
It\'s good to know the Angels are just as busy
as I am trying to save these LOST SOULS...
one way or another these LOST SOULS will not
linger in purgatory forever oh no someday these
LOST SOULS will be found and taken to live
in paradise, in the presence of God\'s love light
for all eternity then and a half past forever!