

The summer must leave,

An annual battle

It is not nice and yellow

When winter says hello


The fight is bitter

Never sweet

And so before the winter rises

The sun sets fire to all his prizes

The leaves bloody, burnt, and dead.

The birds leaving-

\"Maybe they like to sweet\"

They fallow mother without much dread.


The evergreen is real darn faithful

He bows his head to show he is able

Summer fails to leave him labeled

For that (which the winter paid)

She snaps her fingers and the water awakens

\"Be careful or I shall flood the nations\"


He obeys for he is amazed

\"destructive, what a beauty.

Summer, oh, you\'re such a cutie.\"

She takes her place, sits right in the center.

That is her land, the one he cannot enter.

She looks at the kingdom gracefully,

until she is bored of its scenery.


And now the ice melts so peacefully.

\"I swear he\'s probably into me.\"