C HRISTMAS PAST ~ A joyous time ~ all

H appy singing round the Christmas Tree

R elatives and Neighbours bringing ~ An

I ce cream cake for you and me 

S now was falling every Christmas

T o make the Town pristine and white

M ummy sang the Christmas carols

A ll was peaceful ~ cool and bright ~ Too

S oon the joy has passed away ~ now its HAPPY HOLIDAY


F AITH  has been rplaced by sight ~ mo more 

U nctious  singing in in the Christmas night ~ Imagine

T here\'s no Heaven ~ JESUS just an ordinary MAN

U surped the mystery of Christmas out of sight 

R evelry and excess replaces God\'s eternal plan

Every year X-MAS gets more secular I fear !


Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome

Love & Peace to all ~ BRIAN XOX


Even since I was born in the 1980\'s  CHRISTMAS

has become more & more secular and less spiritual.


I do appreciate if you are not a CHRISTIAN this poem is less relevant.

For Christians CHRISTMAS  is a HOLYDAY not just a HOLIDAY ~ AMEN