
There aren’t enough words and there isn’t enough time,

To put all that needs saying in a cute little rhyme.

But rhymes are a weird thing, they give words more meaning,

So I’ll give it a go and see how I’m feeling.


Emotions are strange, Stanger than words,

They subconsciously control us, like the reason cats purr,

If you\'re asked to explain things, that emotions control,

I promise you this, your audience will grow cold.


Tired of waiting, for sense where there’s none,

To find order in things, where order is gone,

But this involuntary fault, all humans possess,

Often leaves people in a state, depressed.


Anger will follow, when answers aren’t known,

As this tends to make people feel more alone.

But as much as you want the answers you seek,

When answers can’t be given. This doesn’t make you weak.

Tto give you the answers, you’d have to know them first,

And not understanding them, is part of the curse.

When emotions control, the person does not,

And this is something that is often forgot.


If you knew the reason, you cried on you own,

I know that you’d tell me. No one wants to be alone.

But I’m going to tell you something you may have forgotten,

This line of sensible thought, doesn’t exist when you’re feeling rotten.


So when you and me are both in our mood,

I promise I don’t mean to be rude,

But I will probably revert,

To the emotions so inert.


Anger and pain,

They will be back again.

But I promise it’s not at you,

Just the things that you go through.

Because anything that hurts you,

hurts me to.