
For Gods Sake Stop !

I saw a bloody child today

A bomb had blown her leg away

It is no one\'s fault of course

rebels fighting freedoms cause

cannot give in to fascist laws

Presidents give in to terrorists

Or zealots who purport to be

the mouthpiece for their god

let other people \'s thoughts be free

And Western leader\'s those who\'s

fuel made the flames grow strong

Cannot see what they\'ve done wrong

or Russian thugs don\'t give a jot

what targets cluster bombs might hit

And as exalted clever people meet

United nations wring their hands

We\'ll tell that little girl of five

that she is lucky she\'s alive

ignore the stump , the blood the pain

collateral damage is the name

Whilst noble fighters cannot see

They are just deranged, insane.

The ultimate obscenity.

For God\' sake stop.