Isabella Rose

The color of the Roses

Roses are red
violets are blue
last time we talked
I forgot to mention I love you
I love your simplistic imperfections
The way our brains make simple connections
Looking into both of our kind hearted eyes
Wishing we can minimize the pain we both feel inside

When we\'re put together
You and I love each other forever and more
Our hearts range deep
Starting from the vibrant colors of our hearts core
One day I\'ll say I love you as I look into the beauty of your green eyes
Touching the softness of your hair
And the calmness of your skin
I\'ll tell you
I adore the bravery of the fight you have within
And The warmth of your...
I\'ll pause and say where do I begin
And as the wind blows ill smile Into your eyes
As the loveliness of yourself smiles back
I\'ll say I love you
And I hope your okay with that