Working Monday thru Saturday ~ we all get very stressed

That\'s why GOD gave us SUNDAY ~ to be a day of REST

If you really love your job ~ then you are very blessed

But after 5 or 6 days you surely need a REST !

In a time of conflict ~ by an enemy oppressed

Wars don\'t stop on SUNDAYS so we don\'t get no REST

When I was a youngster ~ dressed in my Sunday Best

Singin\' an\' praisin\' in the Church was like a day of REST

Monday ~ Tuesday ~ Wednesday ~ Thursday ~ Friday

I went to School and then to work ~ like all the rest

Saturday ~ mad hatter day ~ day for shoppin\' day for play

But the day I love the best ~ SUNDAY ~ IS A DAY FOR REST


Thanks for visiting ~ Comments welcome ~ Love BRIAN XOX


I appreciate that some folks have to work on SUNDAY ~ sorry.


Some ~ Shop Assistants etc ~ also have to work a SIX DAY WEEK.