

See I\'m the outcast always rejected hard to control my anger cuz my life gets hectic back to the days when I was young all the kids laughed at me cuz I packed extra skin I was never picture perfect i was never really thin 


I\'m always rejected by these angels cuz they always wanna go for some not so nice devil I havent found the true me yet but when I do find him I still have my best friend


and speaking of friends where do I start I\'ve had some real and some fake but the real ones always have heart I choose the fake over the real and I realized that this friendship isn\'t really real



I had some appeal to the counseler cuz I had snapped at this one kid cuz he\'s been at my throats since I joined but he had purloined my jokes and threw them back at me all I am is the outcast who isn\'t noticed and now I\'m free,living,rich,and devoted