


by Yvens A. Darilus

Can\'t believe it\'s over

I\'m hurting inside 

Tears running down our faces

Each time we fight

I know it\'s not  right

All we do is screaming 

Using vulgarity

No more clarity

Where, did the happiness go?

Once, close 

Now, perfect strangers

This pain is killing me 

I\'m in danger

I need protection from this pain I\'ve haven\'t felt

Damn, how did we get estranged

I think I\'m losing my mind 

Over it all

No longer  do, I stand tall 

Trying to fight back these tears

I\'ve realized my worst fears 

Are you willing to throw away all these years

What\'s going on

Let\'s work it out

Happiness doesn\'t exist without you

Your voice echoes in the walls of my memories

Remember, how I held  you 

Told you, there was nothing to fear

Let\'s get back to communicating

I feel like the line has static

No one the other end of the receiver

In love we were believers

I\'m tired of fighting

All i want to do is hold you in my arms once more

Please don\'t walk away 

What did, I do wrong 

Without your love i can\'t be strong